Training & fitness tests
Physical fitness is one of the most important aspects of refereeing at all levels of football.
Physical fitness is one of the most important aspects of refereeing at all levels of football.
Weekly physical training sessions take place during the football season (August to April).
During August – October & March – April – Outdoor training is held at Inverness Royal Academy on Tuesdays between 6pm and 7pm
During November – February – Indoor training is held at the UHI on Tuesdays between 6pm and 7pm
All are welcome to come along.
Fitness test
A fitness test set by FIFA has to be passed twice a year for all senior listed officials and for Referees who officiate in Junior League Football in Scotland. The test is available for all registered officials to try and is a good benchmark for measuring your fitness.
The minimum criteria for passing the test:
List of Referees – Fitness Test Conditions
Test Requirements
Avoid training when very tired.
Increase carbohydrate consumption in periods of heavy training and frequent matches.
An increase in training should be matched by an increase in resting.
Treat minor injuries with great respect to prevent them becoming serious.
If in pain when training, STOP!
Do not train hard if stiff from a previous session.
Pay attention to nutrition and hydration (always take fluid to training).
Keep to soft surfaces whenever possible.
Introduce new sessions or activities very carefully.
Be assiduous with warming up and cooling down.
Wear appropriate shoes.
Monitor daily for signs of fatigue.
Have regular sports massage.
Diet significantly affects sports performance.
Have five portions of fruit and veg each day e.g. glass of fruit juice, banana, apple & 2 x veg.
Eat no less than 2 hours before exercise.
After exercise, try to eat Carbohydrate-rich food 30 minutes after to restock fuel stores
Food for Thought II for Referees.
You can lose 500 – 1500ml per hour during exercise.
600 – 800ml is the maximum you can replace.
Dehydration causes your blood volume to go down resulting in less oxygen getting to the muscles.
Water suppresses thirst and contains no electrolytes.
Check the colour of your urine for state of hydration. a pale colour is better.
Sports drinks contain glucose and sodium. These increase the rate of transfer from the stomach to the bloodstream. The combination of 6% carbohydrate and electrolytes aids quick fluid transfer.
Do-it-yourself drinks
20ml concentrated juice + 1 litre water + salt OR 1 litre unsweetened juice + 1 litre water + salt.
Carbohydrate content of 3-4% + sodium — Lucozade Hydroactive; Liquid Energy
Before, during and after sport.
Carbohydrate content 5-7% + sodium — Powerade; Lucozade Sport; Isostar
Before, during and after exercise.
Carbohydrate content 10% + — Fanta; Cola; Lucozade
ONLY for recovery after exercise.
Stretch your meals to 20 minutes.
Water is necessary for the metabolism for stored fat. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
Be confident about yourself.
Hot & Spicy foods can increase your metabolism by 40%.
Negative emotions interfere with weight loss.
Caffine leads to an increase in insulin in your body and this retards the burning of stored fat.
Exercise. You burn more stored fat in the evening than in the early morning on an empty stomach.
Metabolism slows down after 8 hours so exercising before dinner will increase metabolism for another 3 hours.
Don’t skip breakfast because then your metabolism will not start until lunchtime, losing a few hours of fat burning time.