Referee Profile - Gavin Dearie

Date of Birth – 16/12/67
Height – 5ft 8 ins
Weight – 11st
Profession – Window Fabriator
What made you become a referee?
I always had an interest in refereeing, but as I was playing competitive football I never took my interest further. When I decided to stop playing I then decided to sit the course and here I am.
Highlights so far?
Every game at the moment is a Highlight but being an assistant in the Highland League is great.
What do you enjoy about refereeing?
The responsibility of the role is enjoyable and that you meet so many people who are actively involved in football. Also when you have a good game is pleasing but you can learn from mistakes that you possibly made during a game.
What was your first game?
My first game was a legendary fixture given to me by Mr Johnstone. Millburn u-15s V Inverness Royal Academy u-15s.
Your refereeing ambitions?
To get as far as I can in refereeing, but mainly to enjoy myself in the process and to stay fit and healthy.
What was your most memorable game so far?
Being an assistant in the Scottish Qualifying Cup tie between Wick and Inverurie Locos.
What are your other hobbies & pastimes?
My wife says refereeing and more refereeing.
Referees get a negative press, why do you do it?
Personal tolerance is important, but I also know that most people at matches do not know the laws of the game and how they are applied which in turn leads to bad press. With myself having played for many years at a semi-pro level even I was taught things I didn’t know at the classes.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of becoming a referee?
GO FOR IT! The opportunities for any young person who takes up refereeing are fantastic. Even at an older age you can still reap many benefits from refereeing. With SPL football in the area you can officiate in matches involving all the clubs at levels from u-13s through to u-19s at an early stage in refereeing (3 months in my case).For those that progress through the levels, who knows being in charge of an old firm game could be reached. In refereeing I believe it is up to the individual what they want to achieve through both ambition and ability.