Referee Profile - Gordon Hay

Date of Birth – 08/11/60
Height –
Weight –
Profession – Charttered Surveyor


What made you become a referee?

Too old to keep playing unfortunately and wanted to keep involved in the sport.


Highlights so far?

Refereeing the SPL Youth Development games and seeing the stars of the future.


What do you enjoy about refereeing?

Keeping fit and having running banter with the players.


What was your first game?

Inverness Street League.


Your refereeing ambitions?

Too old to progress further so happy to continue at existing level.


What was your most memorable game?

The first adult game I did. It was a Strathspey And Badenoch Welfare game and as a recently qualified referee it was a real eye-opener.


What are your other hobbies & pastimes?

Golf, hill walking and camping.


Any pet hates in football?

Shirt pulling, faking injury and players appealing for everything.


What is your favourite film?

Midnight Express.


What is your favourite drink?



What is your favourite band/singer?

Bruce Springsteen and Theory of a Deadman.


What advice would you give to someone thinking of becoming a referee?

Start as young as possible and be assertive on the pitch. And do not accept verbal abuse.