Referee Profile - Stephen Tait
Date of Birth – 02/01/63
Height –
Weight –
Profession –
What made you become a referee?
After finishing football I took up refereeing to carry on enjoying the game.
Highlights so far?
Doing a couple of cup finals.
What do you enjoy about refereeing?
It keeps you fit and keeps you in touch with a lot of friends.
What was your first game?
County Division 2 in Caithness.
Your refereeing ambitions?
Just to carry on refereeing as long as I enjoy the game.
What was your most memorable game?
David Allan Cup Final between Swifts v Castleton.
What are your other hobbies & pastimes?
Indoor Bowls.
Any pet hates in football?
Bad language.
What is your favourite film?
What is your favourite drink?
Vodka and water.
What is your favourite band/singer?
What advice would you give to someone thinking of becoming a referee?
Enjoy your games and ignore the spectators.